Pit Crew Short Story

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Pages: 5

My pit crew and I helped him and it took 8 1/2 hours. Then I drove it to the “big long stripe” and I got to the starting line and Thrived the throttle and it leaped off the line! I couldn’t believe the acceleration this time! At the end of the 3 ¼ miles felt quicker with a top speed of 211 mph! The upgrades really helped a lot! I drove back to the garage happily. We loaded the car in the truck to get ready for tomorrow morning. I was tired after the day I had. And got home and went to bed, thinking about tomorrow. The next day, I got up and ate some Lucky Charms with just marshmallows. It wasn’t really even Lucky Charms I guess then. I got to the shop at 5:30 a.m. I forgot to eat dinner last night but I was ready to go. I hopped in the truck …show more content…
They looked at the video camera on what it was. They had a scientist come in to determine what it was. He said,”it is a mountain monster from the mountains. It is named, “The Grassmann” It was probably coming down to what the noise was and jumped in on the track.”
He said that it was no big deal. I had a few scratches on my car, but we will fix it when we get to the shop. I refueled and we resumed the race. We all started in the same spot where “it” happened. And in the same place.
When we got going again, I then started skipping places because I was on a straightaway I went from 7th to 2nd by the end of the straight!
Then it was the final lap just a mile from the finish. I was in third. I started to approach the person ahead of me, then passed him. I pulled up next to the guy in first place. A quarter mile left. We were neck and neck. Then I went ahead a foot! Then I felt the finish line go under me. I won! I won The race! I couldn’t believe it! They handed me the trophy. I stood on my car hood roof and held it in the air. the crowd cheered loudly. It was the best moment of my life!
When we loaded in the truck and drove to the shop, my crew had the car fixed the next day. I made trophy shelf in the