Planning Organizing Leading And Controlling

Submitted By Terrell-Mathis
Words: 483
Pages: 2

Week One Student Guide

In Week One, you will be introduced to the key concepts and theories of management’s four primary functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The readings explain various internal and external factors that affect management. These factors are important because as you examine each of the four primary management functions, you will become more aware of the internal and external influences and the decision-making processes that affect management.

Functions of Management

OBJECTIVE: Define the four functions of management.

Resource: Ch. 1 and Appendix A of Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World Content

Ch. 1: “Managing”

Managing in the New Competitive Landscape

Technological Change
Knowledge Management
Collaboration across “Boundaries”

Managing for Competitive Advantage

Cost Competitiveness
Delivering All Five

The Functions of Management

Planning: Delivering Strategic Value
Organizing: Building a Dynamic Organization
Leading: Mobilizing People
Controlling: Learning and Changing
Performing All Four Management Functions

Management Levels and Skills

Top-Level Managers
Middle-Level Managers
Frontline Managers
Working Leaders with Broad Responsibilities
Management Skills

You and Your Career
Be Both a Specialist and a Generalist
Be Self-Reliant
Be Connected
Actively Manage Your Relationship with Your Organization
Survive and Thrive

Appendix A: The Evolution of Management of Management

Early Management Concepts and Influences
Classical Approaches

Systematic Management
Administrative Management
Human Relations

Contemporary Approaches

Quantitative Management
Organizational Behavior
Systems Theory
Contingency Perspective

OBJECTIVE: Explain how internal and external factors affect the four functions of management.

Resource: Ch. 2 of Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World


Ch. 2: “The External Environment and Organizational Culture”

The Macroenvironment

Laws and Regulations
The Economy
Social Issues and the Natural Environment

The Competitive Environment

New Entrants
Substitutes and Complements

Environmental Analysis

Environmental Scanning
Scenario Development

Responding to the Environment

Adapting to the