Plaque Psoriasis Research Paper

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Pages: 5

Psoriasis is a chronic long lasting disease that occurs in the Integumentary System. Scientists have not found the exact reason why Psoriasis occurs. They do believe that genetics, a person’s immune system, and environmental conditions play a huge role in contracting this disease. Scientists hypothesize that a reaction in the skin cells is caused a mistake in the immune system. This inaccuracy causes the growth cycle of skin cells to speed up and cause red patches, heavy flaky lesions, and skin spots that are itchy to appear on the skin. There are five different types of Psoriasis but patients normally only have one type at a time. All five of the different types have different characteristics and symptoms. The five different types are: Plaque, …show more content…
Plaques characteristics include red lesions that are raised from the skin and inflamed. The lesions have silvery white scales on the outer surface of them. Plaque Psoriasis form on the: elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and feet. The lesions typically cause pain for patients and become itchy. They also can crack which causes more suffering when they began to bleed. There are three different types of treatments that patients who have been diagnosed with Plaque Psoriasis can try; topical ointments, phototherapy, and systemic medications. . However, since there is no “cure-all” treatment for Plaque Psoriasis, it is essential for each patient to work diligently with their dermatologist to determine the best recipe to combat that …show more content…
It sometimes can be seen as a “double-threat” because it can appear while an individual is having another type of Psoriasis outbreak. An Inverse Psoriasis outbreak will appear as a shiny, red lesion in parts of that body that fold. Such as: the arm pits, groin, underneath the breast, genitals, and buttocks. This type of psoriasis is typically found in people who are overweight because they naturally have deeper skin folds where the skin can have a tendency to not be as sterile. Since Inverse Psoriasis appears in body pockets where the skin is thinner, they can be dreadfully painful and feel extremely irritated with the slightest movement. Since the most effective way to treat this skin disease is by using prescription strength steroid creams and ointments, depending on the severity and location of the outbreak, treatment may require an assistant to help medicate the affected area in the folds of the patient’s body. The side effects are increased when topically applied for this type of Psoriasis because they are normally found in areas where the skin is very