Plasma 101 Science Project

Words: 479
Pages: 2

Plasma 101

Introduction: Plasma 101 will travel to the sun which is in the ecliptic. This will be important because we feel that we don’t have enough facts about the sunspots on the sun.
Project Propose: The data we collect from the sun will help us learn about the material in the sun. We will be using an rover. The sun is hot, and gigantic. We want to send this rover to the sun because we feel that we don’t know much about the sun. Plasma 101 will be using a gravity modifier, pulls the object towards to the specific object. Also Super sonic blasters ( move from sound ) Also will use a rocket to get off of earth and it’s orbit.
Goals and Objectives: WIll take to 36- 38 days if no casualties.
We hope that Plasma 101 will be able to withstand the sun’s gravity and pressure. Our goal is to land Plasma 101 onto one of the sunspots.
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The gravity could destroy the devices in Plasma 101, but we won’t need half of the devices when it arrives at the sun. Nova also hopes that the passageway to the sun won’t be filled with disasters waiting to happen. in all we hope a lot of things, but we have a good feeling about Plasma 101. WIll the sun react in a bad way to an invading element? WIll the sun’s temperature overload the rebounce system? The electromagnetic radiation we will use to collect information about the sun's ultraviolet. Ultra violet will help us because we can see the heat from the things that we are searching for. We will have a rover send videos back to us from the sun and the rover will take samples from the sun's