Essay on Pocahontas: World War Ii and Human History

Submitted By amandaa120
Words: 817
Pages: 4

Amanda Huerta April 8, 2013

Technology Have you ever asked yourself what would have been of us if we had no technology? Well technology has been exclusively beneficial in human history by providing us with electricity, gas marks, paper and trains. For example paper helped the chinese in 105 A.D to modernize, poison gases helped the World War 1, electricity helped the United States to modernize in the 1800's, and railroads helped the Industrial Revolution. Have you ever wonder how did railroads helped people in history? Well railroads have been exclusively beneficial in human history by helping the Industrial Revolution. For example, railroads encourage industrial growth by giving the manufacturers a cheap way to trasport things, also the railroads boom created hundreds of thousands of jobs for people, which benefited alot of families. Another reason why railroads were exclusively beneficial was because railroads increased Englad's agriculture and fishing industries, and finally it made traveling easier. Without railroads countries wouldnt be able to modernize and travel around like we do now. Thats why railroads were exclusively beneficial in human history. Paper? Why do we need paper? How does it benefit us? Well paper has been exclusively beneficial in human history by helping the chinese people. For example it helped people communicate easier and modernize ancient china. It also encourage people to learn how to read and write. Another reason why paper was exclusively beneficial in human history was because people would trade paper for other goods or money from other countries making their economy rise. It was also a cheaper way to communicate themselfs with other people and to produce. Thats why paper has been exclusively beneficial in human history and in our time. You would think that poison gases are dangerous but your wrong. Poison gases have been exclusively beneficial in human history by helping the World War 1. Soldiers used poison gases on the enemies trenches to avoid getting attacked my surprice. Some gases werent designed to kill soldiers rather than to disable their them, so that they wouldnt be able to defend their position and it would be easier for their enemy to attack. Chlorine was the most common gas used in these wars, chlorine rapidly puts a man out of action when inhaled for a long period of time. So if you were fighting against another country and you used poison gases such as chlorine to defeat them it demostrates that poison gases were very afficiant. Thats why poison gases have been exclusively beneficial in human history. Why is electricity beneficial? Electricity has been exclusively beneficial in human history by helping the United States modernize in the 1800's. Electricity helped industries because it made it possible for factories to be built any where not just along rivers and canels. Electricity helped develop steam engines which was the key to a new era. Steam engines powered trains ships and machines, this made the economic increased and the number of jobs available. So without electricity they wouldnt be able to travel around, make more products faster, and support their families.