Pocono Indian Museum: Teedyuscung Sculpture Analysis

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Pages: 7

Staten Island Tech Cornelia Murja
Pocono Indian Museum, Teedyuscung Sculpture

1.What made you chose this particular piece? I chose this particular piece because I was astonished at the decorativeness of the sculpture. As soon as I entered the room, the geometric designs simply just captivated my eye. The muted colors blended well with each other; yet they somehow remained dramatic enough to be worthy of grabbing someone's interest. The carvings in the sculpture were so subtle that when a person focused on them, the sculpture got more of an earthy and naturalistic vibe than before. I just thought that the creator did a fantastic job of embracing the colors, the designs,
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One of which is from private collectors who are looking for tax credits. An article called "How Do Artifacts in Museums Get There?" by Tanya Jefferies, quotes "1964 was the last year to give works to museums for tax credit when the owners could hold onto the pieces while they were still living. That summer, those people started to die, and their treasured paintings of childlike ballerinas swathed in shimmering light and pastel color reverted to the museum's care." Another way is when people just simply donate to the museum based on the status of the museum. However, trustees in the museum approve whether they want to display a certain piece of art. I was able to find out that the sculpture was donated from a relative of a Delaware Indian, but the workers at the museum didn't want to give any extra information and there was nothing on the internet either. As for the display, the museum was able to find a few contacts from their files who were related to Delaware Indians, and they asked those people if they would like to display the sculpture into their museum. Since the majority of the answers were yes, the sculpture became an important part of the …show more content…
I wish I knew more about the way of life of the Delaware Indians because even though the museum did a splendid job of informing me more about their history and culture, there were still some very important records that were missing. I wish I knew more about how the museum maintained the Teedyuscung sculpture as well as other exhibits. Also, I would find it really cool if the museum would be able to do an interview with the families that had records of their Delaware Indians ancestors, so I can learn a bit more about their culture and traditions.

10. Who did you attend the museum with? How did this sharing enhance the experience?
I attended the museum with my parents because I was on vacation during my visit to the museum. This trip enhanced my relationship with my parents because i learned that they were really interested in the culture of the Indians, but were unable to attend many museums and galleries to due to their conflicting work hours. I was glad because not only did I learn more about the civilization of the Delaware Indians, but I also learned some facts that were entirely different than the stereotypes of Indians. This museum task just connected me more to the past and my family. Now I know how to connect the key of the past, present, and future in order to evolve as a