Poem Analysis: The Search For Marvin Gardens

Words: 491
Pages: 2

Olivia Seeney
ENGL 305 The Art of the Essay
The Search for Marvin Gardens Analysis Throughout his search for Marvin Gardens, the speaker uses the depressing and flat situation that is shared by both the board game and the location it mirrors to draw in an audience that are doing the best that they can just to live the life that they are stuck in. Much like the emotionless, empty metallic game pieces, the people that are being observed in the streets of Atlantic City have been stuck in the position that they were born into due to the unfortunate situation that has befallen the City. The audience that would mostly be attracted to this story would be adults that may have been in a situation such as this or yearn to escape the reality
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In order to form a connection with his audience and persuade them of his argument the speaker chooses to use the rhetorical appeal of pathos. One example of this is displayed when the narrator contrasts his wanting to land in jail during the game, with the actual reality of jail. One in which people are so depressed that they choose to die rather than to serve their sentence. The only place that provides any sense of peace or security is Marvin Gardens, a location that both the author and the people of Atlantic City seek out in order to fulfil each of their own specific desires. The structure that the author uses creates a shift between both the board game itself and the City that it reflects. By creating a situation such as this the reader is able to gain two different perspectives about the same place. Though this structure is very unique, it is effective in catching the attention of the reader. Each of the spaces that he passes on his way around the Monopoly board and around the City itself relate to one another through more than just location. For example, you can see the depressingly flat spaces on the board game being shown through the shabby,