After a long, windy night, the horses of Forestville Apple Orchard awoke for their daily breakfast, apples. Most days the horses fought over the apples, but fortunately, due to the wind, today, many apples had fallen from the trees, with enough apples for one each. This made the sleepless night worthwhile.
At Forestville Orchard, the horses with a stripe on their nose were considered as the higher class. While the rare horse without a stripe on its nose was considered as the lower class, being ostracized by the other horses. The lower class horses were picked on and made to do everything, being given food last, and having to do all the daily chores. At the time, Forestville Apple Orchard only had one …show more content…
The horse vigorously galloped around throwing the apples at each other like fighting monkeys.
Maximus oversaw what was happening and decided to step in.
“Oi, give me that apple,” shouted Maximus.
“What do you want party pooper?” Chuckled one of the striped horses.
Maximus picked up a bruised apple and bit it in half. “Look at this, does this look any different on the inside of your so called perfect apples? That’s right, no!”
The horses glanced for a second, but continued throwing the bruised apples.
“Hey, get this stripe less,” laughed one of the high-class horses attempting to ditch the apple at Gerald.
Maximus was on the verge of exploding, he was horrified at how these horses thought they could treat Gerald.
“How do you think Gerald feels getting thrown in between this nonsense every single day? Is he really any different to you? What makes you think that it’s ok to treat him like this?” Questioned Maximus furiously.
The horses were beginning to get agitated and one of them trotted angrily and ditched one of the imperfect apples to the ground and it broke in