We would set to see the impact on the behavior of the law enforcements, therefore, each district would be given half body cameras and the other half would be without. Let’s consider that in a Police Department there is 300 officers; out of all the 150 officers are endow with cameras to make their usual patrols and the other 150 would make their patrol without them. The duration of the program would last a year and could determine if the police cameras are convenient and can benefit to foster lawful …show more content…
• To respond to a crime in process.
• When servicing patrol in a housing, commercial site, building.
• When transporting a detainee or any person under the police custody at a police station, a hospital or a prison.
• To interact with someone who may be suffering from an emotional disorder.
• Police officers must record what they consider beneficial according to the law.
Officials may opt not to record in the following areas:
• Internal police matter such as, staff meetings, trainings and administrative activities.
• Inside courts or medical facilities.
• Sensitive encounters between police officers and citizens for example, when talking to a confidential informant, questioning a victim of a sexual offense or performing a body search without clothes.
2) Notification:
• Officers inform citizens when they are being recorded, giving them the right of privacy and safety. However, officers do not need the permission of a person to initiate or continue a recording, because they may have the right to use it against them in the court of law.
3) Deactivation:
• Once an officer turns on the camera the officer should continue recording until the situation is …show more content…
• Evidence of a felony would be retain for 10 years.
• Evidence of misdemeanor will be held for 5 years.
• Any other meeting (for example, detention, and interrogation to witnesses) would retain for 2 years.
5) The accessibility of information to the public.
Law Enforcements:
• Officials will hear their own recordings made with the portable police camera.
• If a portable police camera records a situation where a significant use of force is made, the officer involved can see the video before making an affidavit, but only with the approval of the supervisor.
• Note: Police officers may not edit or remove material filmed with portable police cameras.
• The freedom of the information act; citizens may request recorded videos to the police department through his or her attorney.
The dependent variables would be subject to the attitude of the officers which would be exposed to work under the rules described above, this would create a dilemma in the officer since it will be modeled its behavior towards different position that would be