Police Brutality Against African Americans Research Paper

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Pages: 6

Police Brutality Against African Americans
In 2015, police officers killed more than one-hundred unarmed African Americans and two hundred and thirty-four have been killed in 2016. The reasoning behind this is lack of training under serious situations and in other cases, fear. This results in police officers reacting without thought instead of considering their options. Although some people blame the victims of the shootings for not cooperating with the officials, the police officers are clearly more at fault for killing the innocent, and need to be dealt with according for doing so, because they are the cause and part of a system that needs reform.
There have been numerous conversations about how racism is “not real.” According to a 2014
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The truth is that until the government steps in about the situation or all police departments decide that the actions taking place are unjust, then this will proceed until the civilians decide that enough is enough and make the call to fight back thus causing more than enough conflict resulting in bloodshed in the worst-case scenario. According to a documentary called, “The 13th” People of color 30% of the U.S population and are 60% of those imposed, and are three times likely to go to jail vs a white individual. One out of three black men are likely to go to jail vs the one out of seventeen white men’s chance to go jail. The tragic part about this is that few to none of the cases held end in the official causing the action getting arrested or dealt with. And if the suspect does live and go to jail they may never see trial even though it is a violation of human rights. Ten out of the one hundred and two reported cases in 2015 were killed unarmed African Americans by police resulted in officers charged with crime. For example, the murder of Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris resulted in convictions of officers involved. One of the two officers were convicted and revived a one-year sentence in jail and was allowed to serve it on weekends. This shouldn’t have been let go so easily because an innocent life was taken, and the punishment was very lenient which in some way opened for policemen to think that this was ok if they were to take this action because they would an exception to the rule. 97% of cases in 2015 resulted in no charge against the