Our current laws do not necessarily help combat this issue as creating a month for awareness and including teen dating violence material in the schools are awesome changes but there is still much more to do. Eight states do not include dating violence in their definition of domestic violence. As a result, young victims of dating abuse often are not able to file for protection orders because the current requirement is that you must have been married or …show more content…
Only one out of three teens who were in an unsafe relationship ever told anyone about the abuse (Dating Violence & Today's Teens. 2012). This is a huge social problem and awareness is key to preventing future teen dating violence incidents.
Teen Dating violence and domestic violence are very similar although with teen dating violence a huge barrier is that our interventions we have used to help with domestic violence are not applicable to youth. Teens have much less control over their lives and therefore safety planning can be really tricky when ending a TDV relationship. Teens cannot change where they go to school, their schedule, transportation is dependent upon others, and they may feel pressure from peers to remain in those relationships. Without parents and school support survivors of teen dating violence could be in serious