Political Correctness Research Paper

Words: 783
Pages: 4

Today’s society has a new disease. It’s not something that affects the body; however this disease affects our minds. This disease is political correctness. The idea of political correctness leads to people attacking others instead of the ideas they present. They attack the credibility of a person instead of an argument they have presented. It leads to some individuals not presenting ideas due to being worried about being attacked by others. Because self censorship leads to people being less educated, people should try to push towards a society where ideas are attacked by logic and fact and not the people behind them. Many people believe in the education powers of freedom of speech. One of the most influential people who believed in this is …show more content…
The cause that they are all striving to achieve is this idea of political correctness. Political Correctness is described by Merriam Webster's Dictionary as “conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.”(Political). The issue with this idea is that it puts a fairly large burden on people who just want to speak their thoughts. For example if someone wants to discuss politics and talks about how they support Donald Trump, most cases end up with neither party being more educated. They normally follow the lines of a person saying they like Trump’s policies and the other side saying “but he’s a racist.” But why is he a racist is the issue. They don’t provide any statistics or facts. All they do is say what they believe and that Trump is a racist because he has said some conflicting ideas. These arguments don’t end up with people being more educated they end up with people being found “wrong” because their credibility as a person is not in line with the other’s beliefs. Being able to say that someone is wrong because they, themselves, as a person is wrong is incorrect because they don’t dispute ideas and gain knowledge which is the point of