The Senate comprises of 47 Senators representing each zone.
The House of Lords is the body of government ruled by the Kings of Azeroth.
Together, the House of Lords and the Senate make up national Congress.
Each zone has state votes, the number of votes depend on the population. 1,000 citizens = 1 vote to the presidency.
Each faction apoints someone to be head of the partym (either from the Senate or a King of Azeroth). That leader then becomes a candidate.
1 DUN MOROGH (DM) - 28 votes - Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Troll
2 ELWYNN FOREST (EF) - 10 votes - Human, Blood Elf, Gnome, Orc
3 EVERSONG WOODS (EW) - 6 votes - Blood Elf, Troll, Undead, Night Elf
4 GILNEAS (GI) - 14 votes - Worgen, Human, Night Elf, Undead, Orc
5 TIRISFAL GLADES (TG) - 18 votes - Undead, Human, Troll, Orc, Tauren, Blood Elf
6 GHOSTLANDS (GH) - 4 votes - Undead, Blood Elf, Troll, Night Elf
7 LOCH MODAN (LM) - 5 votes - Dwarf, Human, Gnome, Blood Elf
8 SILVERPINE FOREST (SF) - 7 votes - Undead, Human, Worgen
9 WESTFALL (WF) - 6 votes - Human, Goblin, Night Elf
10 REDRIDGE MOUNTAINS (RM) - 1 vote - Human, Dwarf, Orc, Night Elf, Blood Elf
11 DUSKWOOD (DW) - 5 votes - Human, Dwarf, Blood Elf, Undead
12 HILLSBRAD FOOTHILLS (HF) - 18 votes - Dwarf, Goblin, Night Elf, Orc, Undead, Human, Worgen
13 WETLANDS (WL) - 25 votes - Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Orc
14 ALTERAC MOUNTAINS (AM) - 5 votes - Human, Undead
15 ARATHI HIGHLANDS (AH) - 6 votes - Human, Orc, Dwarf, Troll
16 STRANGLETHORN VALE (SV) - 27 votes - Troll, Goblin, Orc, Human, Blood Elf
17 THE HINTERLANDS (HI) - 13 votes - Dwarf, Troll, Blood Elf
18 WESTERN PLAGUELANDS (WP) - 39 votes - Undead, Human, Draenei, Orc, Night Elf, Troll
19 EASTERN PLAGUELANDS (EP) - 45 votes - Undead, Human, Troll, Blood Elf
20 BADLANDS (BD) - 2 votes - Dwarf, Orc
21 SEARING GORGE (SG) - 1 vote - Dwarf
22 BURNING STEPPES(BS) - 3 votes - Orc, Dwarf
23 SWAMP OF SORROWS (SS) - 6 votes - Orc, Draenei
24 THE BLASTED LANDS (BL) - 2 votes - Draenei, Human, Blood Elf, Worgen
25 DEADWIND PASS (DP) - 1 vote - Human, Undead
26 ISLE OF QUEL'DANAS (IQ) - 7 votes - Blood Elf, Draenei, Undead
27 TWILIGHT HIGHLANDS (TH) - 21 votes - Dwarf, Orc
28 AZUREMYST ISLE (AI) - 9 votes - Draenei, Blood