Pope John Paul II Research Paper

Words: 963
Pages: 4

Pope John Paul II, born Karol Józef Wojtyła, is one of the most well-known and recognized Catholic leaders in the world. His works have helped and touched the lives of people from all over the world.He helped free citizens of Poland who were living under a communist government, connect Muslims and Jews, advocate against war ( specifically World War 2), connect women, and reprimand America’s throwaway culture.(Sydney) Pope John Paul II will not be remembered for these great accomplishments. He will be remembered for his unique personality and his compassionate outlook on life. "For the most part popes had been viewed as old Italian guys in white sitting on some gilded baroque throne in Rome," says David Gibson, who has authored multiple books on the papacy. "But in demonstrating a willingness to think and act outside the papal box, John Paul inspired many Catholics and, just as important, he made billions of others look at the Catholic Church in a new way."(Dan Gilgoff Pope John Paul II had a …show more content…
During this time the Nazi’s were begining to dominate Poland and they were taking over the polish army. To avoid the nazi’s wrath, he took a job as a stonecutter. While working there, he met a friend that changed his life forever. His name was Jan Tryanowski. Jan Tryanowski was a tailor in the same factory, and Karol became interested in his faithful way of life, and his deep spirituality. Jan’s influence on Karol shaped Karol;s life. After being deeply inspired by this holy person, Karol made the decision to begin taking courses in an underground seminary of Krakow. There he balanced learning more about God and his teachings with art, literature, and theatre. After World War II, he re-entered Jagiellonian University to study theology. His become a priest, and his clear love for God and his people shone through, and the archbishop elevated him to becoming a