The late 1800s marked the beginning of technological advantages like battery, dish washers, electric irons and many other inventions that have changed the ordinary American’s lifestyle. Business mushroomed to meet the consumption demand; from automobile to home appliances. Over time, some companies outcasted others and came upon a point when they have the ability to dominate their rivals in the same industry: through any mean possible.
The government became unhelpful with their laissez-faire political contract …show more content…
Anybody who all advocate for individual rights: farmers, labor unions, socialists, women’s rights activists, prohibitioners, etc… Populist Party was lead by significance figures like James B. Weaver, William Jenning Bryan, Thomas E. Watson,...
Populist party followed Ohama Platform: demand silver currency over gold, a graduated income tax, railroad industry, telephone, telegraph should be owned by the government, prohibition of private land ownership for monopolies, 8-hours work day, national bank abolition,... All of the goals shared common defense for the common people, in favor against powerful, big businesses and neglected governmental duty. The party promoted ideology like Populism ( the belief in people’s power), Agrarianism (aid to improve farming and land reform), and Bimetallism (support the Free Silver Movement).
During the Panic of 1893, western miners demanded more consumption of silver to profit their mines. The Populist Party gained support from the miner by supporting the Free Silver Movement.
In 1892, the Populist Party nominated James B. Weaver for Presidential candidate. Jame B. Weaver ran against Democrats, Grover Cleveland and Republican, Benjamin Harrison. Weaver received 22 electoral vote and 1,027,329 popular vote: he