As stated in the chapter title “Port Chicago,” “All the officers standing on the pier and giving orders were white. All the sailors handling explosives were black.”(Sheinkin). This quote shows to the reader that white men always get the easiest job, the black men have to be laboring. Furthermore, in the chapter titled “The Verdict,” “Veltmann read the Navy’s definition of mutiny: ‘An unlawful opposition or resistance to or defiance of superior military authority, with a deliberate purpose to usurp, subvert, or override such authority.’”(Sheinkin). This quote stated that the officers meaning of mutiny in the black American is different to themselves. The officers think that they disobeying order because they want to be revolting and to pull the white officers down from their position. The black American just don't want to work in the same condition again. Finally, in the chapter titled “Work and Liberty”, “ Lieutenant Delucchi told Small he had the ability for the job, but was still too young.”(Sheinkin). This quote tells the reader that Delucchi authenticate Small’s readership skill, but even when he grow up, he won’t able to be an officer because he is black. All in all, the action of the officers shows how important to tell stories of all Americans that sometimes you may have the ability, but you don’t have the rights or condition to become what you want to …show more content…
Firstly, in the chapter “The Lawyer”, “The response was always the same: segregation was a way of life in much of the country, and the federal government had no intention of interfering in local customs. This enraged Marshall—but never discouraged him.”(Sheinkin). In Rieves Bell’s case, he was beaten up by four white men because he was chatting with a couple of women and refused to take off the soldier suit. When Thurgood Marshall heated cases like this, he collects evidences and sent it to the War Department. Even though every time the results would be the same, he never gives up on that, on the other hand, he keeps trying to get improve. This cite can show Thurgood Marshall has a strong motive to fight for African American’s right. He wants to show to the public that everyone has the equal rights. In another two chapter named, “Hard Labor” and “Small Goes To Sea”, “The men had one hope—Thurgood Marshall was on the case.”; “Forrestal still wasn’t about to admit the Navy had made a mistake in convicting the men of mutiny. But maybe he could make the whole controversy quietly disappear.”(Sheinkin). These two quotes tell us if Thurgood Marshall isn't going to persist to fight for them, maybe Forrestal won’t let them come out of prison. As you can see, Thurgood Marshall’s action shows how important to tell stories of all