Poverty In America

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Pages: 3

Will poverty ever come to an end? Poverty has existed for many centuries, it primarily began around the 16th century. Throughout those centuries the people in poverty have been known to be in the “lower class”. Today, poverty has caused many health issues in the U.S which have led to diseases and in certain circumstances have caused deaths. In order for health issues to decrease, the U.S has to make major changes and offer universal health care. The health issues in the United States caused by poverty can be solved by opening jobs, raising minimum wages, and offering universal coverage because people will be capable to pay for medicine which will cure them from their illness. Nowadays, the scarcity of jobs has caused the poor to remain in …show more content…
Roleff states “It is widely believed that lack of financial resources forces poor people to eat low-quality diets that are deficient in nutriments and high in fat”(2003). According to the information above, it shows that it’s inevitable for people in poverty to buy unhealthy food due to its inexpensiveness. Therefore, this implies how the low-income communities don’t have a say on what they want to eat.
A different problem that falls into the health issues caused by poverty in the U.S is minimum wage. Minimum wage is known as: the least amount of money a person gets per hour. According to the article “High housing costs driving more Californians into poverty”, the author states that the “state’s lowest-income households spend two-thirds of their income on housing, leaving little for food, healthcare, transportation and other needs”(Ho,2016). In addition according to “Four Ways That Poverty Hurts Americans’ Long-term Health”, the author states that “low income people don’t usually live near hospitals and primary care doctors. And many can’t afford expensive treatments, often because they work part-time jobs that don’t offer health benefits and can’t afford to buy private insurance” (Mukherjee, 2013). This demonstrates how the people in poverty often don’t have the sufficient amount of money to spend on their well-being. Therefore, they have no choice but to suffer from the pain since they can’t afford to pay for a doctor or