106). “Privilege” is defined by Case (2013) as “automatic unearned benefits bestowed upon perceived members of dominant groups based on social identity” (p. 2). Marginalization, as defined by Hall et al. (1994) refers to individuals or social groups on the outside due to their identity or social characteristics, environment, associations connected to a social group, and experiences. The “Interpersonal relationship,” speaks to “.reciprocal social and emotional interactions between the patient and other persons in the environment” (Griffins, 1990). A microaggression, or microaggresive comment, refers to “everyday slights, putdowns, invalidations, and insults directed at socially devalued group members by wellintentioned people who may be unaware that they have engaged in such biased and harmful behaviors” (Sue et al., 2019, p. 967). The author of this paper will interchange “racial remark,” “implicit racist remark,” and “microaggression.” In this next section, the author will provide some personal details of why she chose to write this particular thesis and will be referring to herself in the first