Power Struggle In Antigone And The Apology

Words: 510
Pages: 3

After reading Antigone by: Socrates, and The Apology chapter of The Trial and Death of Socrates by: Plato, there are two themes that are reoccurring in the stories. The first theme would be power struggle. The power struggle in The Apology would be between Socrates and Meletus. Meletus accuses Socrates of not believing in the gods. He also claims that he is preaching these beliefs to the youth of society. Socrates denies any wrong doing. Also, he tries to persuade society that he is a wise man.
A contemporary political issue that would relate to this situation would be the feud between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. Trump is very similar to Socrates in many ways. First, Trump promises society that he is not a politician, like Socrates.