Auditory- One auditory strategy that I can use is sitting I the back of the room, I get more out of the class when I sit in the back of the room than I do when I sit in the front or the middle.
Visual- One visual learning strategy that I can use is working on homework by my-self. I think it is easier to concentrate when I work alone.
One haptic strategy that I can use is reading out loud when I proof read my papers.
2) PSY 281
Auditory- One auditory strategy that I can use is reading out loud when I have reading homework. I think that this helps me to understand and remember what I have read better. I also think that I get done faster.
Visual- One visual strategy that I can use is working on homework in a quiet place. I could go home when no one is there and it would help me to concentrate and get my work done faster. Haptic- One haptic learning strategy that I use is whenever I get frustrated with my homework I will get up and take a break and do something else like walk around or something to get my mind off of my homework for a few minutes and then get back to work.
3) BUS 110
Auditory- One auditory learning strategy that I can use is whenever I have to remember something that is important I recite it to myself. That helps me to remember it.
Visual- One visual learning strategy that I can use in 110 is keeping a pencil/pen in my hand in case the instructor says something really important so I can write it down.
Haptic- One haptic learning