Premier Medical Center Case Study

Words: 1304
Pages: 6

As a patient in healthcare, I am loyal to my primary care provider and her practice, Premier Medical Center, LLC. I have been with my primary care physician since 2000. She has changed locations 3 times. Initially she was close and I chose her due to the location of her office. My initial visit was outstanding and it impacted my patient / provider relationship immensely. Although I don't require allot of visits to the doctor, when I do, my concerns and needs are always met. When I need an appointment I can get a same day appointment, or one that fits my schedule. The follow up that is needed to any test results are always given within a timely manner. My doctor goes above and beyond to get to know you, ensure your issue is resolved and provides …show more content…
Demand dictates revenue and profitability. Customers are the most important stakeholders in a healthcare organization or a health care entity. Stakeholders are comprised of individuals or a group of individuals within or outside the company who have a vested interest in the company’s business. They can be employees, customers, management, operations, works, or vendors. Any one person or group of people who have a vested interest in an organization are stakeholders. Stakeholders help in a total quality setting by leveraging the healthcare industry’s competitiveness. Total quality has a wide offering of close substitutes in order to service their healthcare needs. A company is successful when they offer the services that have sufficient buyers or customers in its market. There’s several other qualifying agents that determine the success and failure of a business. Customer questionnaire and feedback should be closely monitored and careful consideration should be taken prior to forming any major business strategies. You must implement customer input you can’t set it aside these are your customers who patronize your products which eventually bring profit to your company. Total quality management ensures that employees understand their target customers well before making any changes in the processes and systems to deliver superior quality products for better customer …show more content…
I would first re-evaluate how to cut cost without cutting employees. As the CEO I would evaluate what weaknesses lie in the organization and discuss with management. Being a CEO you have to start at the top. I would align the best people in senior management. Provide leadership training on a consistent basis. This would ensure we have the best and most current processes to provide to employees. I would ensure that all managers and their departments are directly focused on the organizational goals. I would perform an in-depth accountability to ensure employees are properly positioned and a good fit for the culture of the hospital. Engage the employees to be on the path as the organizational goals. Employee engagement is critical and just as important as other aspects. I would organize employee engagement surveys to see where improvement can be implemented. Most of the time there is lack of holding everyone accountable and lack of communication and transparency. Not only would I evaluate management performance but employee performance as well (Rosin, 2015). Part of the accountability aspect is ensuring we have top performers. Training would be implemented for employees as well. As for as the revenue cycle, evaluating managed care contracts, to ensure we have the best reimbursement rates to increase capital. Educating employees on the full circle of the business inclines them to understand the