• Describe BASIC governmental, economic, and/or educational factors that impact prenatal care. o Gross Domestic Product of more than %540 billion o One of the largest economies in Latin America o This country is focused on social inclusion and economic development o Under 5 mortality rank: 120
• Discuss availability and frequency of prenatal care. o 96% of Argentinian women report at least four prenatal care visits o Higher rates of prenatal vitamin intake, tetanus vaccination, syphilis and HIV testing due to the fact that the women of Argentina use the technically advanced programs and are actively searching for new medical interventions along with newer facilities.
• Are there nutritional factors or risks of infection that impact …show more content…
o Beliefs of hot and cold therapy o Tirar el cuerito may be used (where one pulls the skin on the back of the sick person) o Herbal medication is used in certain regions of Argentina
• Describe the setting for the majority of births in your country. o Majority of births occurred/delivered in a hospital setting or home
• What risk factors could impact the birth process? o Birth defects in Argentina have become the leading cause of infant mortality
• Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect along side spina bifida o Lack of education on folic acid intake and rubella vaccination
• What are the leading causes for maternal mortality and infant mortality in your country? o Maternal: abortion complications (27.4%), hemorrhage (22.1%), infection (9.5%), and hypertensive disorders (8.4%) o Infant: disorders/congenital anomalies, influenza, pneumonia o In general, the low level of health services, misdiagnosis’s, inappropriate treatments, and delays in referral are factors that may cause the mortality rates to increase
• How are the primary sources of maternal and infant mortality being addressed through in-country or external