Preservation And Deliverance From Sin And Its Consequences

Submitted By preestes
Words: 454
Pages: 2

1. Deliverance from sin and its consequences.
2. Preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss. I was sitting in bible class Miss Troel 6th grade bible September 22nd 2006. The lesson that day was about Hell and what a terrible places it w as. Before this class I had never been afraid of my eternal life. I had accepted Christ when I was a young boy 4 or 5 and I can still remember the night I did it and how I did it but me w as empty. Like a crab shell that was made but never lived in. I knew about Christ and I believed he was real. But on that day she talked about hell and eternal damnation and a fear sprung up in my heart like I've never felt before it's hard to explain it. I was terrified like the kid who knows that there is a monster in his closet or under the bed but can't do anything about can't move, cant scream, and so afraid you know it's going to get you. So after the lesson was over and the lecture done Miss Troel said if anyone has doubts, fears, or has never been saved before stay after class and let's fix it. I thought I have fears doubts and don't know if I accepted him the right way. after I piddled around and acted like I was taking forever to pack up my books cause I was embarrassed of staying behind since I had been raised in a Christian home and gone to a Christian school my whole life. Well one girl in my class also stayed behind and was talking to Miss Troel and Miss Troel looked around and saw me. I told her after I found out that