President Eisenhower Speech Rhetorical Devices

Words: 210
Pages: 1

Through his use of pathos, President Eisenhower's speech presents the argument that any failure traceable to lack of comprehension would inflict harm among us, he supports this by using repetition. He uses emotion, and several key words to stir the crowd, to convey his message. He does this by stating “The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist ( By President Eisenhower)” this, he uses keywords to get a reaction from the crowed; the keywords used were potential,disastrous,rise,exists and will persist, these keywords have specific intentions in this speech, those intentions were to make as much mental contact to the audience as possible.By doing this he dramatically increased his point of view to his audience.Another powerful line Eisenhower uses to get his message across was by stating “Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.