Prevention Of Homelessness In The Uk

Words: 2019
Pages: 9

Homelessness Services and Prevention in UK housing service Homelessness in the UK continues to be a persistent problem that requires both national and local government attention. The number of homeless persons continues to rise and fall depending on the economic situation. However, it has proven difficult to eradicate the problem of homelessness. Though many governmental efforts have been focused on prevention of homelessness, there are still cases of homelessness and rough sleeping being reported everyday. In the past, strategies put in place to curb homelessness have been less than effective in offering a permanent solution to homelessness. This has created the need for the implementation of new strategies that can help eradicate the problem …show more content…
In the Act, the Local authorities are given the lion’s share of implementing strategies related to homelessness. The Central government is left with a more supervisory role when it comes to homelessness. This includes funding, legislation and supervisory roles. The government has allocated billions of pounds in fighting homelessness. The funds have been directed at building new subsidized homes, working with builders, funding local authorities’ efforts in fighting homelessness and the provision of emergency accommodation. The Central government has been working hard in efforts to lower the number of people living in non-decent homes. Funding has also been directed at helping people in vulnerable households move to safer and decent housing. This has helped lower the number of homeless persons since those living in vulnerable homes often progress to homelessness within a short period of time. With decent housing, the likelihood of a person slipping into homelessness is low. These efforts have borne fruit since the number of homeless persons has been reducing year after …show more content…
This includes providing adequate advice on how individuals can access cheap and decent housing. It is important to note that statutory requirements require that families with children cannot be placed in short-term accommodation such as bed & breakfast for more than six weeks. After six weeks, the authority must seek alternative accommodation for this category of individuals. The vulnerability of families with children makes them a priority need group especially in need of permanent accommodation
Accommodation types for people who are homeless There are different types of accommodation available for homeless persons.
1. Emergency
The different types of accommodation that fall under this category are short-term and house persons for a limited period. The following are the various categories of housing under emergency accommodation:
 Direct access accommodation. These provide accommodation for emergency cases that require immediate action. In many cases, people who are experiencing rough sleeping can use direct access