Prewriting Prejudice And Acceptance Essay

Submitted By nessie696
Words: 327
Pages: 2

To Kill a Mockingbird
Final Paper: Pre­writing activities

Prejudice and Acceptance

BRAINSTORMING Members of the Maycomb community tend to classify each other according to rigid categories.
What general categories or stereotypes have you observed as a part of Maycomb?

● They hold stereotypes about how individuals will behave as a result of their age, gender, race, social status, and other fixed categories. Like for example; one common criticism in the novel is that the black characters are idealized. And also the stereotype of aristocratic white women is held up to ridicule - their virtue is seen as excessive thoughtfulness, and they appear as selfish and hypocritical.

List below the characters that are the victims of stereotyping. How are these characters treated unfairly because of the prejudice of others? How do you know they have been treated this way because of a stereotype? Can you find any evidence of these instances in the novel/quotes?­Mockingbird­Racism­And­Prejudice­65011114.html

● Scout, Atticus Finch, Dolphus Raymond, Dill, Tom Robinson and Lula.
● Scout:

Are there characters in the novel who challenge how we judge others because they are not what they seem to be? List the characters below with an explanation of how they proved to be surprisingly different than the stereotype.

What characters in the novel