But, don't let what they have done, hold you back from being happy. I used to feel that if I forgave the people who hurt me that I was saying they had the right to do what they did. It took a long time for me to realize this wasn’t the case. However, I was watching a true life murder case where the murderer was talking to the parents of the girl he had killed and they said to him, “we forgive you.” I didn’t understand how they could do that. I do now, it isn’t making the thing that was done right, it is releasing you from the pain caused by this act. That is what forgiveness is; it means I’m not going to hold a grudge against you, and I’m not going to let you control or even be in my life. When someone does something terrible to you, don’t over analyze what happened. That won’t make it better, because it still happened. Forgive the act, and forgive