Principles Of Safeguarding And Protection In Health And Social Care

Submitted By bethtaylor12345
Words: 821
Pages: 4

Louise Taylor Unit 4: Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care.

1 know how to recognise signs of abuse.
1.1, 1.2
Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm. Physical abuse is easier to identify within a person as the signs and symptoms are more visible to other people.
There are mutilple signs and symptoms of physical abuse and may include the following listed:
Multiple bruising
Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
Scratches and cuts
Withdrawal from regular activities and social contact feelings of aloness and isolation self esteem decreases
Black eyes
Unusual pattern or location of injury
self harm

Sexual abuse is any sort of non-consensual sexual contact. Sexual abuse can happen to men or women of any age. Sexual abuse by a partner/intimate can include derogatory name calling, refusal to use contraception, deliberately causing unwanted physical pain during sex, deliberately passing on sexual diseases or infections and using objects, toys, or other items (e.g. baby oil or lubricants) without consent and to cause pain or humiliation. sexual abuse is harder to notice within a person as the signs and symptoms are less visible to people.
There are multiple signs and symptoms of sexual abuse and may include some of the following:
Loss of sleep
Unexpected or unexplained change in behaviour
Soreness around the genitals
Torn, stained or bloody underwear
A preoccupation with anything sexual
Sexually transmitted diseases
Difficulty in walking, sitting due to injuries to genital and/or anal area] self harm depression particular about washing their genitals and hiding themselves

Psychological abuse. Any act, including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth. This is sometimes called emotional abuse. Emotional/psychological is one of the hardest to identify within a person because they usually isolate them selves and hide away from the outside world.
There are multiple signs and symptoms of emotional/psychological abuse may include some of the following: Depression.
Change in sleep patterns
confusion change in behaviour
Change in appetite/weight. self esteem decreases self harm avoiding people uncontrollable crying

Financial abuse is the misuse of a person's funds and assets; obtaining property and funds without his/her knowledge and full consent, or in the case of an elderly person who is not competent, not in his/her best interests.
There are multiple signs and symptoms of financial abuse and may include some of the following:
Unpaid bills Basic needs not being met lack of cash on day to day basis missing money unexplained withdrawal of large sums of money abrupt changes in a will or other financial documents

Institutional abuse is the mistreatment, abuse or neglect of an adult at risk by a regime or individuals. It can take place within settings and services that adults at risk live in or use, and it violates the person's dignity, resulting in a lack of respect for their human rights.
There are multiple signs and symptoms of financial abuse and may include some of the following:
Inability to make choices or decisions
Agitation if routine broken
Patterns of challenging