Private Health Care System In The United States

Words: 1331
Pages: 6

The United States of America has one of the greatest health care systems in the world as they have one of the biggest and most multiplex systems. Their health care system has avoided universal national insurance due to private, employer-based system, with some government programs supporting certain vulnerable groups (Kaiser, 2015). Negative criticism has been reoccurring over the years for its lack of government initiative on healthcare, while the private healthcare industry supports the system. Some of the social policies issues are how to encourage efficiency among the different types of health insurance, how to cover groups of people outside the employment system, such as the unemployed or elderly people, how to control public healthcare …show more content…
Some of the highlights to take note of for this subject is that citizens are affected by the healthcare policy because of costs and the level of care received, which determines their overall health, An increasing starin has occurred on the disposable income of consumers and state budgets due to policy makers rising costs of healthcare, and lastly a few organizations that influenced healthcare policy include the American Medical Association, the AFL-CIO, and the American Association of Retired Persons …show more content…
The Canadians enacted their first health care plan back in 1867 called The British North America Act Delegated responsibility of health care to the provinces (Week 4, PP). The U.S didn’t have their first act till 1965 Medicare, taking care of hospital and supplemental medical insurance for senior citizens. From 1867-1196 Canada made less but more effective changes compared to the Americans Health care coverage. The changes made throughout the years were Saskatchewan passed the act of free hospital care to most of the population, 50% federal coverage of hospital and diagnostic services. Remaining 50% to be covered by the provinces, Medical Care Act funding for general services, Canada Act narrowed down the focus to universality, accessibility, portability, comprehensiveness and public administration, and lastly Budget Implementation Act where citizens can transfer their healthcare from different provinces and discretion over funding allotment for health, education and social assistance (Week 4,