Pro-Corporal Punishment's Psychological Effects On Children

Words: 2052
Pages: 9

This paper explores the many elements that go into corporal punishment. This papers shows the research that has been done on reasons as to why corporal punishment exists, the different views that have been constructed for this topic and also the many indicators and predicaments of this form of punishment. This paper also describes the ethnic differences of the prevalence of corporal punishment and its methodology. This paper explains certain case studies that go more into detail on the findings and research conducted.
Corporal Punishment’s Psychological Effects on Children Through the Years
Many studies have been conducted supporting the notion that corporal punishment has long and short term detrimental effects on children. This
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There are three positions about spanking as a form of discipline that have captured professional views. The Pro-Corporal Punishment view is not advocated in research but it is very well present today. According to Kazdin and Benjet (2003) “This view is represented by the familiar, cryptic, incomplete, and probably misconstrued biblical quotation, “spare the rod and spoil the child” (Proverbs 13:24). The view underscores the beliefs that desirable consequences (e.g., respect for authority, good behavior, socialization) follow from the use of spanking, untoward consequences result from not spanking, and responsible parenting includes such punishment.” The Anti-Corporal Punishment view stands on the notion that this form of punishment can have long and short - term consequences. Kazdin and Benjet (2003) article quotes, ““Violence begets violence” captures much of this view, which focuses on modeling and social learning as the means by which violence is transmitted from one generation to the next (Straus, 1994). The morality of inflicting pain is also key to this view, so the untoward consequences of hitting are not the only basis for the objection to spanking.” The Conditional Corporal Punishment View believes that’s corporal punishment is neither positive or negative, rather that it may be depending on other conditions involved. Spanking can vary in different contexts and intensity as well. This view does not support spanking but believes there is no …show more content…
This paper also showed the many views professionals and families take on this form of punishment. In addition, research was presented indication the correlation between parents punishment and the endorsement that children will later have for this punishment in future generations. It is important to not that although many families continue to support this form of punishment, in the long run, supported by the research that this paper was noted, it will do much more damage in the long run in contrast to what a parent might want in the present