4.0 Recommendation
After analyzed each type of procurement strategies, it is recommended to adopt Design and Build strategy. The reason this type of strategy is strongly recommended is because the primary factor to consider for this particular project is time. The background of the project identified that the project have to be completed in 12 months duration from today. Yet, the architect needs 7months time to complete the full design, bills of quantities and tendering. Therefore, traditional method is no longer suitable due to lack of time to construction which after the 7 months of design and tendering, only 5 months left. The management contracting and contract management are most suitable in this case because the secondary factor to consider is cost. Due to the client, Robert Gordon University is a public funding type, the value of money is very important. Therefore, management contracting and contract management strategy which need extra fees are not suitable for this project. Design and build is the most suitable procurement strategy to be adopted because it saved up the time and cost of design.
Regarding the type of tendering, it is recommended to use Restricted/Selective Tendering because this is the best way to select a most suitable contractor to handle this project and at the same time, to insure the quality of