|Health and Human Services Agency, Office of Systems Integration |
Revision History
|Revision History |
|Revision/WorkSite # |Date of Release |Owner |Summary of Changes |
|Initial Draft - SIDdocs |06/30/2004 |SID - PMO |Initial Release |
|OSI Admin #4306 |04/09/2008 |OSI - PMO |Incorporated Cost Management Plan tailoring guide |
| | | |information into this template. Assigned new WorkSite |
| | | |document number. |
|OSI Admin #4306v2 |01/29/2009 |OSI - PMO |Moved instructions to the top of each section; clarified |
| | | |information about references to the WBS; changed |
| | | |Procurement Center to Acquisition Center. |
Remove template revision history and insert Project Cost Management Plan revision history.
|Name |Role |Date |
| | | |
Insert Project Approvals here.
Template Instructions:
This template offers instructions, sample language, boilerplate language, and hyperlinks written in 12-point Arial font and distinguished by color, brackets, and italics as shown below:
• Instructions for using this template are written in purple bracketed text and describe how to complete this document. Delete instructions from the final version of this plan.
• Sample language is written in red italic font and may be used, or modified, for completing sections of the plan. All red text should be replaced with project-specific information and the font changed to non-italicized black.
• Standard boilerplate language has been developed for this plan. This standard language is written in black font and may be modified with permission from the OSI Project Management Office (PMO). Additional information may be added to the boilerplate language sections at the discretion of the project without PMO review.
• Hyperlinks are written in blue underlined text. To return to the original document after accessing a hyperlink, click on the back arrow in your browser’s toolbar. The “File Download” dialog box will open. Click on “Open” to return to this document.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope 1 1.3 References 2 1.3.1 Best Practices Website 2
1.3.2 Project Document Repository 2
1.3.3 Project Cost Database and Tool 3
1.4 Acronyms 3 1.5 Document Maintenance 3
2. Participant Roles and Responsibilities 4 2.1 Office of Systems Integration (OSI) 4 2.1.1 OSI Director 4
2.1.2 OSI Chief Deputy Director 4
2.1.3 OSI Budget Office 4
2.1.4 OSI Accounting Office 4
2.1.5 OSI Acquisition Center 4
2.1.6 Project Director 4
2.1.7 Project Manager 5
2.1.8 Project Financial Manager 5
2.1.9 Project Financial Analyst(s) 5