H&M Company Code of Conduct. Web. H&M, January 20th, 2014.
Relevant course themes: Trade, Labour, Governance, Environment.
This document outlines H&M’s Code of Conduct for “all suppliers, their subcontractors, and other business partners.” It is a very useful resource for studying H&M’s business concept – the company highlights child labour laws, building and fire safety regulations, workers’ rights and fair wages, and environmental considerations as some of its main concerns. Yet, in recent years, H&M has come under fire for violating all of these issues in various countries across the globe.
Idowu, Samuel; W.L Filho. Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2009. Print.
Relevant course themes: Trade, Labour, Environment.
This book examines various practices of corporate social responsibility by large corporations, including H&M. H&M does not own any factories itself, relying instead on subcontractors in countries such as China, Cambodia, and Bangladesh. Although H&M’s code of conduct outlines its key principles, whether or not these rules are actually followed by the subcontractors in developing nations remains to be seen.
Pearson, Ruth; G. Seyfang. “New Hope or False Dawn? Voluntary Codes of Conduct, Labour Regulation and Social Policy in a Globalizing World.” Global Social Policy 1(1) 2001: pp. 48-78. Web. January 21st, 2014.
Relevant course themes: Labour, Development.
This article considers the strengths and weaknesses of corporate codes of conduct, including their potential for restructuring social policy towards excluded groups of workers (e.g. women) in an increasingly globalizing world. Biraj, Andrew. “Clothing Retailers Respond to Star Questions about their Labour Practices.” The Star 24 Oct. 2013. Web. January 20th, 2014.
Relevant course themes: Trade, Labour, Environment, Communications, Development.
In this article, various clothing retailers, including H&M,