People often mistake therapy for enhancement due to the fact that these two practices can be quite similar in general but will have different reasons for doing so and different outcomes (Mitchell, Ben). Therapy means to restore human functioning to typical norms such as helping a human being recover from physical, mental, emotional, or even socially. During this treatment a person’s state of being is worked on to attempt to bring back all or the majority of normal functions. For example, a person who has broken his leg will need professional help to learn how to fully move it in its new state even if it is not in perfect condition. …show more content…
No matter how old the technology ,around 20 to 35 years, (Jessica Goldstein) the public will need time to fully understand the benefit of this change. who knows maybe by the year 2025 women will be able to just take an inexpensive treatment to get rid of any flaws in the embryos to have healthy and intelligent children the type needed for the rapid changing new