People use the insanity plea as an excuse due to the trepidation of …show more content…
These people say it will protect them from going to jail and from facing consequences. While this may be true in rare circumstances, for the most part using the insanity plea will not actually prevent people from going to prison. Instead of preventing people from jail, the insanity plea only stalls them until they are mentally stable to go. When a person commits a crime and successfully plead insane, that person gets tested by a psychiatrist to see what level they are at. Dr. Backscheider describes these levels based on three different categories that are tested. These categories are cognitive, mood altering, and personality disorders. These categories range from one to twelve to see how sane or insane a person is. If that person’s level isn’t too low they get help at a psychiatric center until mentally stable, then gets sentenced by a judge to