Groceries analogy
Socrates warns the excitable Hippocrates that Sophists are dangerous. He tells him that the words of the Sophists go straight into the soul (psuchē) and can corrupt a person straightaway. Socrates says that buying wisdom from a Sophist is different from buying food and drink at the market. With food and drink, you never know what you are getting, but you can consult experts for advice before consuming anything that might be dangerous.
Socrates Reasons for why the virtues cannot be taught
1.) There are no recognized experts or teachers that the assembly can call on. Everybody is allowed to speak up.
2.) The virtues cannot be taught because individuals who are exceptionally virtuous cannot transfer their virtues to others
Protagoras reasons for why the virtues cannot be taught
Protagoras accounts of punishment deterrence/ retribution
Protagoras continues on the subject of punitive justice: to punish a wrongdoer for a past deed is illogical, for the punishment cannot undo the crime. Juridical punishment is therefore oriented towards the future, aiming to alter the behavior of misguided citizens by instilling in them the requisite qualities of justice, piety, and so on.
We punish to give people what they deserve, punishment is retributive. We hold them responsible for what they are doing. We think that they understand what they are doing.
We punish people to deter them from others from violating virtues. Punishment is a deterrent and