Psy/220 Week 1 Reflection

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This was a fun week for me as I have been out of taking college classes for over a decade and found it refreshing to dive back into things. The most important thing I learned about myself this week was that if I had taken a course like this in my early twenties, I would have a much different perspective on the content presented in week 1. As I went through the content this week, I was constantly comparing the 20 year old me to the now 35 year old me. What I realized was that my inability to set targets correctly, lack of proper motivation, and fear led me to not finish my vision of obtaining my college degree. In his lecture “Smart Planning” Dr. Tad Dunne (2009) addresses the importance of setting your targets up to accomplish your vision. …show more content…
I started taking courses in fields that didn’t interest me, however would yield a big pay check. In his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chapra (1994) discusses the 7th “Law of Dharma” and the three components needed to fulfill this law. He explains that once we discover our true self, express our unique talent, and serve humanity, then we can have access to unlimited abundance. The 20 year old me definitely was only motivated by the internal thought of what is in it for me. This thought process is what caused me to continue to make targets that did not aid in my overall vision. This eventually led to insecurities and fear in myself and my professional …show more content…
However, as I became more and more successful, I found that I was becoming more afraid of the success. “When we commit ourselves to certain objectives, we can get discouraged about the work involved. Or sometimes we can actually fear that success will mean that more will be expected of us, so we slip away from looming responsibilities.” (Dunne, 2009). I learned through this week’s coursework, that I had been sabotaging myself in a way. I was working hard to be successful, however was afraid of the additional expectations that came with being successful. This fear was keeping me from redirecting myself back to finishing my original vision of completing my college degree.
We all have different stories of why or how we ended up in this class. For me, it has literally be years of chasing something for the wrong reasons. What I learned this week to change the way I set my targets, reasons for motivation, and not fear success. I have done some of these things already by just taking the steps to be in this course. Sometimes it takes a person to go through a few life experiences before they can clearly see the path needed to take to accomplish an overall vision for themselves. I only wish I would have finished this last year of coursework 16 years