Psy 270 Week 6 Floor Case Manager

Words: 1526
Pages: 7

Our main goal is to remain as professional as possible. Giving an example to a similar situation to help the client, is not a bad decision. It helps the client understand that we have all been in a similar situation at some point in time. Doing this action help show empathy and understanding. However, we have to limit how much we share with the client. Detailed facts about our lives must stay confidential from the client. The client does not need to know everything about us. They just need to know that we relate to them in a way and understand. This is where confidentiality comes into play. I personally struggled with what was okay to express and what was inappropriate. After listening about past events and witnessing events, I was able to understand how much I was able to state. I knew that I could talk to some case managers about a situation to receive feedback on what action should take place. Other times, the housing director is the go-to person whenever one is unsure …show more content…
Here the 6th floor case manager has been working there for many years and has never told a client about another client. It was a serious mistake that was corrected fairly quickly. The housing director was notified about the meeting and what occurred. I do not know what exactly happened to the 6th floor case manager, but I do know that she was warned. It was shocking to even see this situation take place. I originally thought that new case managers would make this mistake, due to not having enough knowledge or experience. However, I quickly learned that situation like these happen all the time, not as much as one would think. This is the main reason why the case managers have to review their rules and regulations often. To remind themselves how to take proper care of themselves and not exploit other clients. It is not unheard of to make mistakes; however, we have to be careful with our actions because a little mistake can cause severe