Psy 270 Week 9 Final Paper

Words: 1377
Pages: 6

Question 3: Relate why you think that, if the deadline is reached without a solution, whether Mr. Albondigas will hurt the maintenance personnel or not. Explain your answer.
I think that if the deadline is reached without a solution, Mr. Albondigas will hurt the maintenance personnel. Given their unpredictable behavior and conduct, it is fair to say that Mr. Albondigas will hurt the employees. As stated earlier, people with schizophrenia have beliefs in things that are not real and tend to hear voices that do not exist because they are all in their heads. Having lost the contact with the real world and suffering from delusions and hallucination, Mr. Albondigas will hurt the employees. According to research, violent behavior in patients suffering from a personality disorder and schizophrenia is comparatively rare. However, in the event that a patient is suffering from psychosis as a result of hallucinations and delusions in their thinking, there is a high chance that they will exhibit violent behavior (McCarthy & Hay, 2015). When the delusions are more
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Albondigas has been in the correctional facility, the correctional facility officials may fail to provide critical information regarding his past such as medical information and behaviors. For example, having his parents by my side would help me understand whether this is the first time that he has this mental illness. If not, when was the last time he had such an episode and what they did to calm him down and have him listen to them? Additionally, the presence of his wife would be critical to the success of this mission. At times, it might be hard to open to parents on what is going on with his life, but easy to open up to his partner (Jones, n.d). Therefore, their information can be crucial in understanding his past medical conditions and behaviors. Notably, records can be used to predict the future as well as defining the best course of action to be used to solve the