Psychiatric Disorders Essay

Submitted By diana926
Words: 755
Pages: 4

Psychiatric Disorders, Diseases, and Drugs
Diana Blandon
Martha Chapa

Psychiatric Disorders, Diseases, and Drugs

Various Psychologist and Psychiatrist know the following Psychological disorders and diseases for what each of the disorders and diseases represents. The first Mental illness is Schizophrenia, specially known as (the splitting of psychic functions.)Schizophrenia is commonly associated with the concept of madness. It is known for its rational symptoms, and what could be detected on individuals who do not show much emotion, or windrow from society. Some of the symptoms that could typically diagnose an individual are base of positive and negative symptoms. The positive symptoms are Delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate affect, and odd behavior. The negative symptoms that are found in Schizophrenia individuals are affective flattening, alogia, avolition, anhedonia. If an individual suffers from two of these symptoms for one-month tops, it is sufficient for a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Treatments for schizophrenia include but not limited to antipsychotic medication like, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, perphenazine, and fluphenazide. Each of these antipsychotic medications has side effects that could cause drowsiness, blurred vision, sensitivity to the sun, and skin rashes. This drugs help to control schizophrenia patients when needed and to prevent minimal brain damage.
Depression is one of the leading deaths of young adulthood and older people in today’s society. Depression causes people to have suicidal thoughts and commit such harsh decisions. It makes a person feel hopeless and not worthy of its own life. There are some individuals that fall into the depths of despair and experience anhedonia (loss of the capacity to experience pleasure), often for no apparent reason. This type of depression is so severe, that is sometimes hard to control and could have serious consequences. Depression is often divided into two categories, depression triggered by a negative experience is called reactive depression; depression with no apparent cause is called endogenous depression. One of the treatments use to help with depression is called antidepressant medication. Antidepressant helps to increase the levels in their brain. One of the most popular antidepressants that are uses to help with depression and bipolar as well is Prozac. It is said that Prozac is the main antidepressant that helps with various mental illness disorders. Antidepressants causes side effects, such as; drossiness, suicidal thoughts, blurred vision, and other.
Anxiety disorders have five classes of anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, phobic, panic, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Anxiety is known for the reaction to fast heartbeats, stressful situations, shortness of breath, and palpitations. These symptoms are mainly for panic disorders. Because anxiety disorders are often triggered by identifiable stressful events and because the anxiety is often focus on particular objects or situations, the role of experience in shaping the disorder is often apparent. According to” National Institute of Mental Health” (2012), anxiety disorders are treated with medication like antidepressant and Beta-blockers as well. One of the medications uses to help