Behavior therapy’s aim is to eliminate maladaptive learning and providing for more effective learning. Since Adrian has several phobias and they seem to have become more severe over time, I would recommend that the most appropriate course to take will be to use systematic desensitization. Systematic desensitization is based on the principle of classical conditioning. First, he’ll imagine anxiety-arousing situations while he engages in a behavior that competes with anxiety. Then, a variation of systematic desensitization that Adrian should practice is in vivo exposure. In vivo exposure involves repeated systematic exposure to fear items such as germs, beginning from the bottom of the hierarchy. Adrian will engage in a brief, graduated series of exposures to feared situations to the point he will no longer avoid them. Gradually, he’ll become less sensitive to those anxiety-arousing situations. Although it’s time consuming, it is highly effective and efficient in reducing maladaptive anxiety and treating anxiety-related disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD). It’s preferable that Adrian starts imagining less anxiety-arousing situations then gradually expose him to in vivo anxiety inducing events (real) than to abruptly apply flooding (extended time exposed to fears) as it can be dangerous for