psychological disorders final draft Essay

Submitted By Karis-Bliss
Words: 751
Pages: 4

Psychological Disorders Presentation
Paula woods
Philip Mulvey

This slide show presentation is about different classes of psychological disorders and how they vary and how some disorders may fall into the same category.


Some of the characteristics of Schizophrenia

1. Not connecting with reality.
2. The patient that is schizophrenic tends to see or hear things that others can not hear or see. The patient can become very volitale when suggested by others that they can not see or hear things that the patient is experiencing.
3. The patient feels that their minds are playing tricks on them.

Mood Disorders

1. There are several disorders that fall under the category of mood disorders.
Bi Polar
Cyclothymic Disorder
Dysthymic Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
2. Everyone at one time or another feels depressed or down in the dumps but someone with mood disorders feel a deep unrelenting depression that may take them to believe that possibly suicide is the only answer for them.
3. The opposite side of the coin shows the patient as being so high that the need for sleep is not needed or they may feel required for days at a time during this time any type of decisions that may be made are usually not very wise decisions

Somatoform Disorders

1. The symptoms of this disorder are the possibility of a medical issue when the Doctor can not find the medical issue.

2. A patient may suffer from extreme pain without any type of medical or biological reason to suffer from this pain that would seem to be imaginary.

3. In the olden days many Doctors felt that the symptoms from a patient that expresses this type of pain was that it was all in

their heads or imagination.

4. Some of the disorders that are related to Somatoform disorders are : Pain disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder,

Hypochondriasis Disorder, Somatization Disorder, and Conversion Disorder.


Dissociative Disorders

1.) The main reasoning for this type of disorder can be viewed as troublemaking or unruly behavior such as loss of memory

Or the person’s identity.

2. When certain areas are not working correctly then this is normally the reasoning for causing the distress in the patient.

3. The disorders that fall into the category of Dissociative Disorders. Those disorders are “ : Dissociative Amnesia,
Dissociative Fugue, Dissociative Identity ( multiple personality) disorder, Depersonalization Disorder.

Anxiety Disorders

1. Anxiety Disorders normally fall into a category of many differing disorders. Anxiety disorders can be as wide and varied such as Acute Stress Disorder, Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder and Phobias that include (social phobias).

2. The DSM-IV-TR defines anxiety disorders as an experience that has frightened you causing undue anxiety. Such as preparing our bodies for an either fight of flight situation.

3. When a person has an anxiety attack their hearts may race, their breathing may increase and their muscles will tend to be tightened without a logical reason.

Personality Disorders

1. The