Psychology 112 Notes Complete Essay

Submitted By PhatCawk
Words: 4494
Pages: 18

Psychology 112 September 11
Mother – she always predicts what’s going to happen, she can tell me one thing and I won’t listen only to later go up to her and be like oh yeah I guess you were right mom. Or how she handles everything when it comes to paying bills, cooking, cleaning and doing everything above and beyond what a mother should do! How she handles every situation good or bad. Or even how close she pays little attention too.
Sternbergs study uses the three characteristics below.
Practical problem solving skills, one main characteristic of intelligence
Social competence, characteristic of intelligence
Verbal competence, characteristic of intelligence
INTELLIGENCE – the ability to profit from experience, acquire knowledge, think abstractly, and act purposefully, problem solve and adapt to changes in their environment.
Origins of intelligence:
Implications of above: EUGENICS – selective breeding, Galton – sensory, perceptual, motor processes, Binet – memory, imagery, comprehension, judgement – Education (intelligence testing)
One single Intelligence: G FACTOR – a general intellectual ability assumed to underlie specific mental abilities and talents (Spearman) this is measured with an IQ test.
Assessing intelligence IQ tests: Originally identified for children for remedial purposes
Measured memory, vocabulary, and perceptual discrimination
Intelligence quotient (IQ) – originally MA/CA x 100; now derived from norms provided form standardized intelli gence tests.
CA – chronological age
IQ tests – revised substantially 9 in testing procedures & methods of calculation)
Standford-Binet Intelligence test
Wechsler adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
Wechsler Intelligence scale for children (WISC)
IQ usually ranges in 20 points
Film MI – Multiple intelligence and understanding the mind*
What is the dipstick theory of intelligence?
You can read the IQ of someone by sticking it into their head and reading it like you would reading your oil dip stick. Measuring their intelligence by just looking at it.
How does the MI theory differ from traditional views of intelligence?
Over the years, has nothing to do with tests, views on children adults anyone but likes to view on people who have had some brain surgery I believe. Ability to solve problems and make things, intelligence has to be valued, if not valued then it is not intelligent.
What are the nine intelligences?
Linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, spacial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal and interpersonal, emotional, naturalists intelligence, existential.
What are the four enemies of understanding?
Short answer assessments, text test context, correct answer compromise, pressures for coverage.
We each have all nine intelligences that occur in different brain regions
Each person has a unique combination- ex. Fingerprint
Intelligence – set of human computational capacities; computational power of a mental system
Ability to create something of a value to a culture.
September 18, 2014
Tests of mental abilities:
Acheivement Tests – reflect what you have learned
Aptitude tests – predict your ability to learn (a new skill)
IQ scores: distributed “normally” – bell shaped curve.
Very high scores and very low scores – rare.
68% of people have IQ between 85-115 – 99.7% between 55 and 145.
Sternbergs triarchic theory
Analytical (academic problem solving) (involves metacognition)
Creative (novel ideas and situations)
Practical (everyday, multiple solutions)
Emotional Intelligence – ability to IDENTIFY your own and other people’s emotions accurately.
..EXPRESS your emotions clearly
REGULATE emotions in yourself and others
Questions on IQ tests may contain cultural biases (i.e Chitling Intelligence Test)
Attempts to make tests culture-free have back fired as cultures may employ different problem-solving strategies.
Cultural values & experience’s influence a person’s outcomes (eg. Attitude, comfort,