Holosko, Dulmus, and Sowers define the psychosocial assessment as clients interactions with their environment, adaptive functioning, the clients past and current functioning ability and obstacles in the client's life (2013).
Paula is a Cortez is described as a 43-year-old Latina woman, who is infected and has Hepatitis C, and struggles with mental health as a result of her being diagnosed as having bipolar disorder with paranoid tendencies (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). According to the case study by Plummer, Makris, and Brocksen (2014), Paula is a mother of two children, her firstborn is a twenty-year-old son whom she cared for until he was six and needed to relinquish responsibility to his father’s custody due to her medically deteriorating with terminal diagnosis that she made a limited recovery. The authors state that her second child, a newborn female, came from a late pregnancy and is HIV negative and received one week of hospital treatment due to her displaying the effects of detox from Paula’s pain medication taken during pregnancy. Also, Paula was reported as showing some concerning practices with her taking medications as prescribed and following medical treatment and practice protocols. The authors state that her …show more content…
mpliance increased her symptoms of paranoia related to her bipolar, manifested in her decompensating both medically and psychologically and placing herself at risk of harm to herself at harm and her baby’s health due to inconsistent pre-natal