The design will be a pre-experimental one group pre test post test design. Diagram: Group A: O1………………X………………O2. This design has lower external validity than other randomized experimental studies. Selection: The participants will be selected on a volunteer basis as part of a convenience sample. In order to be selected, the participant must be the parent or guardian of at least one non-hispanic black child, under the age of six, living in a low-income household within Chatham County. Participants can also be referred into the program by a health care provider. Participants will be separated into groups based on proximity to where the sessions will be held, to make attendance for participants as easy as possible in hopes of preventing attrition. Pre/Post Tests and Surveys: All pre/post tests and surveys utilized in this program will be tested for validity utilizing the following method. First face validity will be established by sending materials out to subject matter experts for review. Recommended changes will be made, and then the materials will be pilot tested during focus groups. The data will be entered into excel and coded if needed. Statistics (Principal Components Analysis) will be run on the data and then it will be tested for internal consistency. Only after the materials are validated will they be utilized in the