Research question: Are children fed protein, whole grain and vegetable diets taller compared to other children who feed on junk and unhealthy fast food meals?
Null hypothesis: Children fed with protein, whole grain and vegetable diets are not significantly taller than other children who feed on junk and unhealthy fast food meals.
Alternative hypothesis: The consumption of protein, whole grain and vegetable diets was linked to taller children.
Independent samples The independent samples are between randomly selected 50 aged 5 male children and 50 aged 5 female children in a school who …show more content…
The mean difference in height will be measured at the end of the one-year experiment.
Additional variables • Heights of the sampled children's parents • The supplement and multivitamin intake levels of the children.
The confounder of this study is supplement and multivitamin intake levels. Cofounders are variables that are related to or cause the variable being investigated (University of the People, n.d.). Since multivitamins and zinc intake are essential for growth, higher gain in height is observed within two months in children who were placed on zinc and multivitamins (Rerksuppaphol & Rerksuppaphol, 2016).
Meanwhile, the genetic makeup of the children in this sample is an effect modifier. An effect modifier, unlike a confounder, is a biological phenomenon whereby the exposure is expressed differently in different situations (Effect modification, n.d.). Hence, the genetic make-up of the children from their parents can affect the effect of healthy meal plans on children. Some children may show a significant increase in height based on their genetic makeup, while some children's height may remain the