Pubg Vs Fortnite Case Study

Words: 190
Pages: 1

People say that Fortnite is a way better than PubG, which might be true but, PubG players could respond the other way. What I believe is that the players are loyal to the game, the company of what they do.

Loyalty builds trust. Similar to how once in a basketball game my teammate wouldn't pass the ball, he's good at the game but, hogs the ball, We're all open for him. He's good at the game but, hogs the ball. We're all open for him to pass but, he keeps holding it. This one game where we are playing, we are losing badly. When he realized that he can't do it alone he passes the ball and we did better.

We didn't win but, did better and he later noticed that he couldn't do this all by himself and now he's a tea, player. He's loyal to the team.