Health promotion activities can be divided into different groups such as
● Education.
● Health protection.
● Prevention of diseases.
As a concept and set of practical strategies, health promotion remains an essential guide in addressing any major health challenges faced by developing and developed nations. These include communicable and non communicable diseases and issues related to human development and health.
Health promotion is a process that is directed towards enabling people to take action of their own lives with the correct help and information. In order to tackle the determinants of health, health promotion will include combinations of the strategies which are Developing personal skills, strengthening communities to take action and to create a supportive environment for health. Health promotion will include actions that are directed at both the determinants of health that are outside the immediate control of the individuals. There are many challenges for health promotion due to the fact that health promotion refers to a collection of strategies that can be applied to many health and development issues also means that these strategies must operate within the context of something else. P6 I am now going to talk about appropriate methods of prevention/control for a named communicable and a named non communicable disease. Communicable diseases are diseases that are transmissible from one person, or animal to another. Communicable disease may be spread directly, through another organism or through the environment. Non communicable diseases are also known as chronic disease are not passed from person to person. They usually persist over long periods of times and generally exhibit a slow progression.
The organisms that cause communicable diseases vary in size. They range from viruses which are too small to be seen by a light microscope to intestinal worms which may be more than a metre long.
Examples of organisms that cause communicable diseases are bacteria which causes diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis; viruses which cause diseases such as measles, influenza and common cold; Fungi which causes ringworm and athleteâs foot; protozoa which causes malaria; tapeworm which causes filariasis and onchocerciasis. Transmission of communicable diseases can either be direct or indirect. Direct transmission can occur by