This paper is based on a non- profit organization called Families First who has continually strived to provide solutions for children and families facing life's greatest challenges. It is their long history of service that has established Families First as the leading non-profit family service agency in Georgia. Families First are a trusted partner of the public and private sector, and they serve as a resource for organizations throughout the United States. They also have created programs that are utilized in more than 40 states as well as around the world. They are committed to offering accessible solutions to the families that are in need.
Introduction Families First agency mission is to ensure the success of children in jeopardy by empowering families. They strive to provide solutions for children and their families who are facing hard times. In 1890 the agency was an orphanage for homeless girls but expanded to help all families that were in need. Their solutions were proven effective at delivering measurable results. They have been delivering empowering solutions in metro Atlanta for over 120 years, including adoption and foster care services which help give every child in Georgia a chance for a permanent home and hopeful for the future; services that empower working parents and help those facing homeless achieve self sufficiency; and supportive counseling and courses for individuals, families and children who help create healthy families and relationship. Families from all walks of life benefit from this agency because they realize the strength and success of families contribute to thriving communities. Their main goal is to strengthen families by delivering empowering and sustainable solutions for children and families.
Agency Functions
Child & Youth Permanency Program: They believe that every child should have a safe, nurturing, life-long family to protect and guide them. So therefore they provide a range of services such as adoption services, foster care, permanency cooperatives, and other support services to ensure the long-term stability for children and youth who don’t currently have a lasting family connection. Foster to adopt program provides services and support to foster parents who are seeking to adopt their foster children. James and Sandra who are adopted parents agree very well with the program “The role Families First has served in our lives extends far beyond preparing us for adoption. Their Spirit of networking and commitment to ongoing education helps our family with the tools and knowledge necessary to handle realistic adoption issues”. Family Sustainability and Empowerment program provides solutions that combine housing and social service to help people facing complex challenges live more stable, productive lives. They also collaborate with other agencies to deliver housing along with support services and training that promote self-sufficiency. Under this program they also provide shelter for chronically homeless person who are suffering from mental illness, substance abuse or HIV/AIDS and their families. Their main goal for this program is to help individuals reduce and eliminate substance dependency and use, achieve mental and emotional stability, and move toward long term stable housing. They provide their clients with accessible and intensive individual, family and group mental health counseling; substance abuse treatment services; linkages to community resources and support in reconnecting with their families.