Public Service Announcements: Preparedness Scenarios

Words: 1288
Pages: 6

What is the purpose or goal of your video?
The purpose of our video public service announcement was to show how a disaster preparedness plan can make a difference to the characters of the Carter House during a hurricane. Public service announcements are messages sent out to the public meant to persuade and bring attention to an idea or topic. In our case the public service announcement video we made is meant to be a cute commercial that would be sent out to the public, but it contains some key facts on what do if a hurricane was to threaten your home town. The purpose of our public service announcement was to persuade people that they should come up with an evacuation plan in event of a hurricane. A plan like the one could have been useful
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In class we learned “to become storm ready, a community or county must promote the importance of public readiness and develop a formal hazardous weather plan”, which is what we decided to stress in our video. The main factor in making our video was persuasiveness. It was important to us because a public service announcement needs persuasive to get people to follow through with making a plan. We made sure to add a lot of pictures to make the announcement easy to understand by everyone. The shortness of the video makes it easier to grab the viewer's attention a keep their attention throughout the entirety of the announcement. An announcement like this would have helped out the citizens of Louisiana because it could have persuaded them to have a plan ready when the hurricane hit …show more content…
An example in our video that is connected to the target audience is that they need a plan they can quickly put into action if they a hit hard with a natural disaster. In the book Lauren decides that they need a plan to handle the oncoming hurricane and she successfully is able to be able to bring the families to the Carter House. This announcement is made specifically for them because we go into detail about what should they bring and how to make sure they are prepared for the hurricane. We feel that this announcement was educational enough for them to be able to feel confident that they would make it through the storm. In this video there was a list of things that needed to be packed in case of a hurricane. We believe that the citizens of Louisiana could have used a public service announcement like this one so they could have handled the storm